Connection and Cave Project Reflections and Feedback

Choose one or two projects on the Students Creation page on this blog (the link is on the menu bar above) to read through.  Also, you can check out Anna’s blog post on her blog, linked in the column on the right.  Remember the password if you are asked for it for access.  Then blog about how you connected with the projects.

1 * asterisk for if you related to the project

1 * asterisk for if you learned from the project

1* asterisk for something you choose to say about the project

Then explain your reasons for the “stars.”

23 thoughts on “Connection and Cave Project Reflections and Feedback

  1. * for related to Daryl’s project because we did a similar presentation and talked about similar things
    * for learned from Daryl’s project because he had some new, different, interesting ideas
    * just one thing… put a little more images, but other than that, I loved it!

  2. Griffin Bramwit: What Connections Mean to Me

    * related to the project

    Just like Griifin, I did not think of connections as very important before this unit.

    * learned from the project

    In Griffin’s, “How do we make Connections?” slide, he tought me that connections are made by the method, ” See, Think, Do.” This taught me an other way to see the Ladder of Inference.

    *have something to say about the project

    In the “See, Think, Do” slide, I disagree with the second step because I think sometimes humans do not do that step. This is why we have the saying, “Think before you do.” For example, sometimes you do not think when you cross the street, so you get hit by a car when the light is green.

  3. this is for tommy,sahil,and luke’s presentation

    *i related to it by having a cave sometimes in my own thoughts and i related to many other caves too
    *I learned about some “puppeteers”
    *maybe a little less words and more pictures but otherwise good!

  4. For Sahil, Luke, and Tommy’s slide…

    *I can connect because it is definitely easier to not change your thinking and telling yourself that you are right (I do it all the time!).

    *I learned from the project because I have never thought of secrets as a cave before!

    *I like most of the presentation but I do not agree that you should let someone else who has already done the work drag you out of a cave because you should figure it out on your own with a little help so you can really figure out why and understand why what you were thinking before is incorrect.

  5. *Thing I choose to say about the presentation
    I like the humor in the presentation but slide 5 wasn’t really needed.
    By the way, this is Andrew. Is this username okay?

  6. Daryl’s slide
    *I connect because he relates to how people in New Canaan might not understand people somewhere else.
    *I learned that people sometimes don’t understand other people because of what they have seen
    *Something to say: Not everyone reacts violently to change.

  7. For Daryl:
    1*- I connected to your project because it really applied to the real world, and the caves were easy to understand
    2*-I learned from your project because I never really thought about the fact that slaves are in a cave
    3*-I really liked all your visuals, great job!!

  8. Griffin’s Presentation:
    *I learned some things I didn’t know on how connections can be incorrect.
    *Connection: I am like that guy who says, ” I am practically wired to make connections”
    * I can see how much effort you put in because of all of your notes!!!

  9. Andrew’s Slideshow:
    * I connected with the fact that people change how they show happiness depending on the group that they’re with.

    *I learned how to get the flexible thinking. I was worse at it before I looked at your slideshow.

    * For the fluent or flexible, I forgot which, it might’ve ben a good idea to just splash things down instead of having just one.

  10. Andrew’s presentation
    Good aspects
    – elaboration and simplification of “flow of connections chart”
    – good examples
    – creative visuals
    – nice similes
    constructive criticism
    – less words on slides/words in notes column

  11. Adrian and Kevin’s Presentation:
    1. I thought this presentation was very good. You have few words which makes it more entertaining for the reader/audience.
    2. Your visuals were very good, and your slideshow’s layout was also very neat.
    3. I learned a lot from your presentation. Your conclusion was also very powerful!
    4. Next time (and this is just a recommendation) I think you should add captions for all your visuals. Just a suggestion! Overall great job!

  12. *
    I have a comment for Andrew. His presentation was “short but sweet.” It got to the point, but didn’t take up too much time to read. I clearly understood connections through his project!

  13. I really liked Adrian’s and Kevin’s slide. I would give them a…
    * * *
    They had a lot of good examples and they had plenty of pictures that were funny and interesting.

  14. Also, I thought Griffan’s presentation was good. It had lot’s of examples! I rate it as a…
    * * *
    I thought you did a nice job with all those notes too! I would just suggest to maybe add an example and a little more pictures. But other than that, great job!

  15. Daryl’s Presentation

    *I connected to your presentation because I did a similar presentation and some of the caves you put in applied to me.

    *I definitely learned from your presentation because I wasn’t really sure about the stages of released prisoner, but now I can clearly understand. You did the stages in a very good, clear, understandable way.

    *Your project was really good! This is an idea: Maybe add more/bigger visuals to your project, but other than that it was great!

  16. I would give Daryl a 3 star because

    I related to Daryl’s because I would have wrote similar if I did the cave project, not the connection project.
    I learned from Daryl’s project because he thought of Caves I would not think of.
    Just one thing. I liked your Plato’s Cave picture. (the one that said Plato’s Cave.


  17. I give kevin’s and adrian’s presentation a ** because I learned about the iceberg diagram and I think their presentation was informative and interesting

  18. I give *** to Izzy and Kailee because when they presented in class I not only learned about connections, but also how to give a good presentation.

  19. *I liked Kevin and Adrian’s presentation because it was simple, but makes you think, and put a lot of effort into a nutshell. It contained things that I have thought before, but explored “what are our caves” from different angles, not just metaphorical.
    *I learned that there are many aspects and angles, viewpoints and perspectives to things, ideas, and subjects. You need to understand them all to fully understand the topic.
    *I liked the simplicity of their presentation, and how they asked questions instead of stating facts. That makes you think more.

  20. Griffin’s Presentation:

    *I can relate to Griffin because I also thought connections weren’t very important. I thought they were things my Challenge teacher made me do.

    *I learned Griffin’s point of view on connections. But literally, I learned that connections are basically what cause mental models.

    *I think your project was great! I learned a lot.

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